August'24: Kamaelia is in maintenance mode and will recieve periodic updates, about twice a year, primarily targeted around Python 3 and ecosystem compatibility. PRs are always welcome. Latest Release: 1.14.32 (2024/3/24)
Kamaelia Publish as of right now aims to be a system that will let users publish themselves on their own terms. The goal is to allow a person to host their own web services without being beholden to anyone else for web space.
Who wrote it?
It's developed by Jason Baker. It builds on HTTP work by Michael Sparks & Ryan Lothian
Who's interested in it?
Michael Sparks, ... you?
Unzip the file.
Run the executable.
Go to to try it out.
Create a FOAF database of some kind so that Google's SocialGraph API can be used to build friends lists.
Make the server more user friendly and create some good administration tools for idiots either using a native application or some kind of web app (the latter is preferable).
Make a basic plugin system based on mako templating. It's kind of hard to put this one into words, but the basic idea is to have a system that end users can design their own webpages with pre-made widgets that can be inserted as mako expression substitution.
How to use my toolchain for
other projects
Project sub pages: (by last change)
Just tested the "executable" under linux with python 2.5. Works
perfectly fine. Really impressive - worked straight out the box.
Also just tested under Mac OS 10.. That comes with python2.3 which
doesn't include wsgiref, which means I get the following failure:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File " stdin ", line 9, in ?
File "./kpublish/", line 5, in ?
File "./kpublish/Kamaelia/Experimental/Wsgi/", line 9, in
ImportError: No module named wsgiref.validate
Which isn't the least bit surprising - that machine doesn't have wsgiref
installed. It may be worth considering re-packaging this to include a
copy of wsgiref.
Still despite that, impressive :-)
-- Michael, 7 June 2008