August'24: Kamaelia is in maintenance mode and will recieve periodic updates, about twice a year, primarily targeted around Python 3 and ecosystem compatibility. PRs are always welcome. Latest Release: 1.14.32 (2024/3/24)



Support for basic in-process software transactional memory.

What IS it?

Software Transactional Memory (STM) is a technique for allowing multiple threads to share data in such a way that they know when something has gone wrong. It's been used in databases (just called transactions there really) for some time and is also very similar to version control. Indeed, you can think of STM as being like variable level version control.

Why is it useful?

Why do you need it? Well, in normal code, Global variables are generally shunned because it can make your code a pain to work with and a pain to be certain if it works properly. Even with linear code, you can have 2 bits of code manipulating a structure in surprising ways - but the results are repeatable. Not-properly-managed-shared-data is to threaded systems as not-properly-managed-globals are to normal code. (This code is one way of helping manage shared data)

Well, with code where you have multiple threads active, having shared data is like an even nastier version of globals. Why? Well, when you have 2 (or more) running in parallel, the results of breakage can become hard to repeat as two pieces of code "race" to update values.

With STM you make it explicit what the values are you want to update, and only once you're happy with the updates do you publish them back to the shared storage. The neat thing is, if someone else changed things since you last looked, you get told (your commit fails), and you have to redo the work. This may sound like extra work (you have to be prepared to redo the work), but it's nicer than your code breaking :-)

The way you get that message is the .commit raises a ConcurrentUpdate exception.

Also, it's designed to work happily in code that requires non-blocking usage - which means you may also get a BusyRetry exception under load. If you do, you should as the exception suggests retry the action that you just tried. (With or without restarting the transaction)

Apologies if that sounds too noddy :)

Using It

Accessing/Updating a single shared value in the store

You can have many single vars in a store of course... If they're related though or updated as a group, see the next section:

from Axon.STM import Store

S = Store()
greeting = S.usevar("hello")
print repr(greeting.value)
greeting.set("Hello World")

Accessing/Updating a collection of shared values in the store

Likewise you can use as many collections of values from the store as you like:

from Axon.STM import Store

S = Store()
D = S.using("account_one", "account_two", "myaccount")

D = S.using("account_one", "account_two", "myaccount")

What can (possibly) go wrong?

You can have 2 people trying to update the same values at once. An example of this would be - suppose you have the following commands being executed by 2 threads with this mix of commands:

S = Store()
D = S.using("account_one", "account_two", "myaccount")
D.commit() # 1

D = S.using("account_one", "account_two", "myaccount")
E = S.using("account_one", "myaccount")
E.commit() # 2
D.commit() # 3 - should fail

You do actually want this to fail because you have concurrent updates. This will fail on the third commit, and fail by throwing a ConcurrentUpdate exception. If you get this, you should redo the transaction.

The other is where there's lots of updates happening at once. Rather than the code waiting until it acquires a lock, it is possible for either the .using, .usevar or .commit methods to fail with a BusyRetry exception. This means exactly what it says on the tin - the system was busy & you need to retry. In this case you do not have to redo the transaction. This is hard to replicate except under load. The reason we do this however is because most Kamaelia components are implemented as generators, which makes blocking operation ( as a .acquire() rather than .acquire(0) would be) an expensive operation.


class BusyRetry(Exception)


class Collection(dict)

Collection() -> new Collection dict

A dictionary which belongs to a thread-safe store

Again, you do not instantiate these yourself

Methods defined here


Commit new versions of the collection's items to the store

set_store(self, store)

Set the store to associate the collection with


class ConcurrentUpdate(Exception)


class Store(object)

Store() -> new Store object

A thread-safe versioning store for key-value pairs

You instantiate this as per the documentation for this module

Methods defined here

__can_update(self, key, value)

Returns true if a value can be safely updated. Potentially not thread-safe

__do_update(self, key, value)

Update a key-value pair and increment the version. Not thread-safe

__get(self, key)

Retreive a value. Returns a clone of the Value. Not thread-safe.


__make(self, key)

Create a new key-value pair. Not thread-safe


set(self, key, value)

Tries to update a value in the store. If the store is already in use a BusyRetry error is raised. If the value has been updated by another thread a ConcurrentUpdate error is raised

set_values(self, D)

Tries to update a selection of values in the store. If the store is already in use a BusyRetry error is raised. If one of the values has been updated by another thread a ConcurrentUpdate error is raised.

usevar(self, key[, islocked])

Tries to get an item from the store. Returns the requested Value object. If the store is already in use a BusyRetry error is raised.

using(self, *keys)

Tries to get a selection of items from the store. Returns a Collection dictionary containing the requested values. If the store is already in use a BusyRetry error is raised.


class Value(object)

Value(version, value, store, key) -> new Value object

A simple versioned key-value pair which belongs to a thread-safe store


  • version -- the initial version of the value
  • value -- the object's initial value
  • store -- a Store object to hold the value and it's history
  • key -- a key to refer to the value

Note: You do not instantiate these - the Store does that

Methods defined here

__init__(self, version, value, store, key)

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature



Returns a clone of the value


Commit a new version of the value to the store

set(self, value)

Set the value without storing


Got a problem with the documentation? Something unclear that could be clearer? Want to help improve it? Constructive criticism is very welcome - especially if you can suggest a better rewording!

Please leave you feedback here in reply to the documentation thread in the Kamaelia blog.

-- Automatic documentation generator, 09 Dec 2009 at 04:00:25 UTC/GMT